High School Student Publications and Resources
College Planning Publications
- Affordable College Brochure
- Are You Looking for Money?
- Borrow Smart from the Start
- Borrow Smart from the Start (Spanish)/Pida Préstamos
Estudiantiles De Manera Inteligente Desde El Principio - College Cost Worksheet
- College Fair Worksheet
- College Preparatory/Work Ready Curriculum
- Degree vs. On-the-Job Training Chart
- Developing My Career Plan Worksheet and Sample Worksheet
- ¿Estás planeando ir a la Universidad? Are you Planning for College?
- FAFSA Fundamentals
- Financial Aid Offer Sample
- Financial Aid Worksheet
- Glossary of College Terms
- Making the Most of Campus Visits Guide
- The Perfect 10 Study Habits Guide
- Picking a College Decision Tree
- Scholarship Success Guide
- Senior Timeline
- Línea de tiempo para el último año de la secundaria
- State Aid Chart
- Student Aid Index (SAI) PowerPoint
- Tracking My Classes and Achievements Worksheet
- Understanding Campus Types Guide
- Understanding Your Financial Aid Offer
- What Do You Want To Be? Worksheet
- Your Transition to College Guide

Helpful PowerPoints
Creating a StudentAid.gov Account PowerPoint
Creating a StudentAid.gov Account Without a Social Security Number PowerPoint