College Planning Toolkit

College Planning Publications

A Plan of Action
Are You Looking for Money?
College App Week Flyer
College Planning Checklists
UCanGo2 Spanish Flyer
Your Transition to College

PDF of A Plan of Action

A Plan of Action
Follow this guide to learn how OCAP’s college planning publications can be used to help you and your students throughout the school year.


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PDF of Are You Looking for Money

Are You Looking for Money?
A financial aid guide with specific information about Oklahoma's aid programs; federal grants, work-study, and student loans; and numerous scholarships.

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PDF of CAW Flyer
College App Week Flyer
College Application Week is the opportunity for high school seniors to receive assistance in learning about and applying to college. Is your school signed up to participate?



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College Planning Checklists
Checklists provide high school students detailed information about the steps they must take not only to gain admission to a college or university, but also to be successful in high school and college. From which classes to take to when to apply for financial aid, these checklists offer useful information for every high school student.

Freshman Checklist PDF of Freshman Checklist Sophomore ChecklistPDF of Sophomore Checklist Junior ChecklistPDF of Junior Checklist

Senior ChecklistPDF of Senior Checklist College Freshman ChecklistPDF of College Freshman Checklist

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PDF of Spanish Flyer

UCanGo2 Spanish Flyer
Compartir información sobre la comprensión y finalización de la FAFSA, así como encontrar ayuda financiera y becas para cubrir el costo de la universidad.


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PDF of Your Transition to College

Your Transition to College
Highlights the differences between high school and college, offers tips for success in college, and provides a summary of "to-do" items for high school seniors.


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