Campus Partners
A complete list of our tools and publications for college advisers and professionals is available below.
- Are You Looking for Money?
- College Fair Best Practices
- College Freshman Checklist
- Glossary of College Terms
- The Perfect 10 Study Habits Guide
- Scholarship Success Guide
- State Aid Chart
- Your Transition to College Guide
FAFSA Renewal Tools
The beginning of the year is the best time to remind college students about the importance of completing and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This critical step is the first in the process of qualifying for state and federal aid to help pay for college.
Here are few publications to help you inform your students about renewing the FAFSA.
- FAFSA Dependency Questionnaire
- Finish the FAFSA in Five Steps, also available in Spanish
Don't forget to visit our FAFSA website for students and their parents at Help the families you serve learn about the FAFSA by sharing this site with them where new information about FAFSA completion is posted weekly.