Plan: Is college the right choice for me?
Prepare: What can I do to get ready for college?
Pay: How will I pay for college?

Paying for College

Covering College Expenses as an Adult

When it comes to paying for college, it's important to have a plan. Use the tabs below to learn about different types of financial assistance that may be available to you.

  • Savings
  • Employee Benefits
  • Grants/Scholarships
  • Federal Aid
  • Student Loans


It's never too late to start saving for college. Even a small amount tucked away can help make ends meet when you're on a tight budget in college. Of course, the earlier you start saving, the more you'll have. Remember each dollar saved for college is one less dollar you'll have to borrow. For help setting up a budget that includes college expenses, check out Oklahoma Money Matters' Budget Calculator.

Next tab: "Employee Benefits"

Helpful tools

PDF of Are You Looking for Money Opens in a new tab
Are You Looking for Money?
Borrpow Smart from the Start Brochure opens at
Borrow Smart from the Start Brochure
Finish the FAFSA in 5 Steps opens in a new tab
Finish the FAFSA in 5 Steps Brochure