Scholarships by Deadline
These January deadlines have passed. Please check again in December. For more scholarships, visit
Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship
JRF Scholars receive college scholarships of up to $35,000 over four years and are financially sponsored to attend JRF‘s annual, four-day “Mentoring and Leadership Conference“ in New York City and other events throughout the year. Aside from generous financial support, Scholars benefit from a comprehensive, four-year program that includes career guidance, internship and permanent job placement, travel abroad, and leadership and practical life skills training.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $30,000 over 4 years
Deadline: January 9, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship.
Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Scholarship Program
The APIA Scholarship is our largest scholarship program, open to AANHPI undergraduate students attending any U.S. accredited university or college. APIA Scholars has a special focus on supporting AANHPI students who live at or below the poverty line; are in the first generation of their family to attend college; are representative of the APIA community’s diversity, (geographically and ethnically}, especially those ethnicities that have been underrepresented on college campuses due to limited access and opportunity. Strong applicants would also have an emphasis on community service and leadership.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $2,500-$20,000
Deadline: January 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Asian & Pacific Islander American (APIA) Scholarship Program.
JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest
The Profile in Courage Essay Contest challenges students to write an original and creative essay that demonstrates an understanding of political courage as described by John F. Kennedy in Profiles in Courage.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $100-$10,000
Deadline: January 17, 2025
Learn more and apply for the JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest.
Kelly Lynn Lutz Memorial Scholarship
The KLL Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to help kids who have lost a parent to cancer pursue and attain their dreams of a college education.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,000
Deadline: January 22, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Kelly Lynn Lutz Memorial Scholarship.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Nursethink Scholarship
Hurst Review Services, the fastest growing NCLEX Review Company in the country, and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing are pleased to announce our continued partnership awarding scholarships to students pursuing professional nursing degrees.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $2,500
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Nursethink Scholarship.
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education
By providing scholarships to college sophomores and juniors who intend to pursue research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics and engineering, the Goldwater Foundation is helping ensure that the U.S. is producing the number of highly-qualified professionals the nation needs in these critical fields.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Up to $7,500
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education.
PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation
By recognizing the achievements of outstanding students, the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation encourages the very best of our young Hellenes to continue their scholarly pursuits and strive to accomplish their highest goals.
Award Amount: 40 awards; $2,500-$10,000
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more about the PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation.
Princeton Prize in Race Relations
The Princeton Prize in Race Relations recognizes and rewards high school students who have had a significant positive effect on race relations in their schools or communities through their volunteer efforts.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $1,000
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Princeton Prize in Race Relations.
Oklahoma Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship
Each year, the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of higher education in diverse areas of study including history, economics, law, political science, medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, elementary and secondary education, chemistry, math, science and English.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Amount of award varies
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Oklahoma Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship.
Google Student Veteran Services Scholarship
As part of Google’s commitment to military veterans, the company partners with SVA each year to fund scholarships. The scholarship provides assistance to student veterans who are pursuing university degrees in the field of computer science in the U.S.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Amount of award varies
Deadline: January 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Google Student Veteran Services Scholarship.
Additional January Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with January deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
These February deadlines have passed. Please check again in January. For more scholarships, visit
John F. & Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund for Art Education
All who knew Mr. and Mrs. Stacey personally, and their wide interest in art education in a world of conflicting ideologies, can appreciate their wish to have scholarships go to “worth and serious minded students of conservative art”. The purpose of the Scholarship, in accordance with the clear stipulation of the Stacey’s will, is to foster high standard in the study of form, color, drawing, painting, design, and technique, as these are expressed in modes showing patent affinity with the classical tradition of Western culture.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $500 - $5,000
Deadline: February 1, 2025
Learn more and apply for the John F. & Anna Lee Stacey Scholarship Fund for Art Education.
National Garden Clubs Scholarship
The National Garden Clubs promote outdoor activities to improve health and happiness for adults and children. NGC is proud of its college scholarship program which offers financial aid to students majoring in fields of study related to horticulture and the environment.
Award Amount: 43 awards; $4,000
Deadline: February 1, 2025
Learn more and apply for the National Garden Clubs Scholarship.
Engineer Girl Writing Contest
The 2025 EngineerGirl Writing Contest asks students to write a piece describing a common object you would make "smart". Tell us what it would do, how it would help people, and what could go wrong.
Award Amount: 9 awards; $500-$1,000
Deadline: February 1, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Engineer Girl Writing Contest.
Christophers' Poster Contest
High school students (Only students living in United States are eligible to enter) in grades 9 through 12 are invited to enter our 35th Annual Poster Contest for High School Students by creating a poster interpreting the theme "You Can Make a Difference."
Award Amount: 8 Awards; $100-$1,000
Deadline: February 13, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Christophers' Poster Contest.
George & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest
The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) invites all high school students (9th through 12th grades) interested in the American Revolution to participate in the George S. & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest.
Award Amount: 5 Awards; $500-$600
Deadline: February 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the George & Stella M. Knight Essay Contest.
Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship
$1,000 Awarded Semi-Annually for Fall & Spring Semesters & Design Critique
Award Amount: 1 awards; $1,000
Deadline: February 18, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship.
Sweet and Simple Scholarship
The "Not every gift has to be expensive or extravagant. In fact, sometimes it’s the sweet and simple things that make a real difference in our lives. Think back and write about something you received as a gift and why it meant so much to you."
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,500
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Sweet and Simple Scholarship.
Oklahoma Scholarship Competition
The Oklahoma Hall of Fame offers three distinct scholarship opportunities: the Oklahoma Scholarship Competition, the Oklahoma Hall of Fame Scholarship, and the Lee Allan Smith Oklahoma Legacy Award. With over $770,000 awarded annually, these scholarships recognize and celebrate outstanding civic leadership and academic achievement.
Award Amount: In each of the 77 counties; $1,000
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Oklahoma Scholarship Competition.
Hal Almen West OKC Rotary Scholarship
The West OKC Rotary established the H. W. Almen Scholarship Fund at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation to provide scholarships for students graduating from high schools in Oklahoma, including home schools. Applicants must have a 2.75 GPA or higher. Financial need is considered (the applicant's family income cannot exceed $150,000 according to FAFSA or Form 1040). Recipients may attend any nonprofit educational institution in the United States
Award Amount: 1 award; $5,000
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Hal Almen West OKC Rotary Scholarship.
100 Black Men of America National Scholarship Program
The award is only open to 100 Black Men mentees, Collegiate 100®, or affiliates who are graduating high school seniors or college undergraduates enrolled full-time in an accredited post-secondary institution. Applicants must meet all eligibility requirements and deadlines to be considered for the scholarship.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies
Deadline: February 28, 2025
Learn more and apply for the 100 Black Men of America National Scholarship Program.
Additional February Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with February deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
ISC2 Women's Cybersecurity Scholarship
ISC2 and its Center for Cyber Safety and Education are deeply committed to encouraging and supporting students pursuing a degree with a focus on cybersecurity, information assurance, or similar field. Efforts like these can put students on a pathway to long term career success in a rewarding and critically-important field.
Award Amount: Up to 10 awards; $1,000-$5,000
Deadline: March 3, 2025
Learn more and apply for the ISC2 Women's Cybersecurity Scholarship.
National Society of High School Scholars Scholarship
Leverage scholarships to unlock your potential, fund college, study abroad, summer programs, and graduate school. All students can apply for scholarships in various fields like academics, entrepreneurship, leadership, literature, medicine, music, STEM, sustainability, visual arts, and more.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $500-$2,000
Deadline: March & April
Learn more and apply for the National Society of High School Scholars Scholarship.
Shell Scholarships for High School Seniors
Shell's scholarship programs support their objective of helping to ensure a qualified workforce in engineering and geosciences disciplines in future years. Applicants must plan to enroll full-time in one of the following majors (geology, geophysics, physics, chemical, civil, electrical, geological, geophysical, mechanical or petroleum engineering) at a specified institution (see list of institutions at website).
Award Amount: Up to 20 awards: $2,500
Deadline: March 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Shell Scholarships for High School Seniors.
Army Nurse Corps Association Scholarship
The purpose of the Army Nurse Corps Association’s Scholarship Program is the support of nursing education through scholarship funding to worthy students who are US citizens in an accredited baccalaureate or graduate nursing or anesthesia program. Open to students serving or who have previously served in any branch, at any rank, of a component of the US Army.
Award Amount: 1 award; $3,000
Deadline: March 30, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Army Nurse Corps Association Scholarship.
Organization of Latino Actuaries Scholarship
The Organization of Latino Actuaries (OLA) furthers its mission of increasing the number of Latine actuaries by awarding academic scholarships to Latines who will be attending a US college/university next school year and are interested in the actuarial profession.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $4,000-$7,500
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Organization of Latino Actuaries Scholarship.
Sertoma Scholarship for Students Who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf
This scholarship is open to students who are hard of hearing or deaf and pursuing an undergraduate degree. The recipient may use funds for any semester, inlcuding summer, during the 2025-26 academic school year. Student must have a minimum 40dB bilateral hearing loss and be pursuing a bachelor's degree on a full-time basis.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Sertoma Scholarship for Students Who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf.
United Methodist Scholarship Program
GBHEM Scholarships offers financial aid to United Methodist students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. Every year, an average of $4 million is awarded to help students in the United States and abroad pursue their dreams through higher education.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Amount of awards varies
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the United Methodist Scholarship Program.
Courage to Grow Scholarship
The sponsors of the Courage to Grow scholarship don't want the college dreams and plans of so many to get lost in the financial shuffle. Today's economy is hard enough on a family, so a scholarship can ease some of the financial burdens that can accompnay higher education. Applicants must be a junior or senior in high school or a college student with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Courage to Grow Scholarship.
Folds of Honor Military Scholarship
Since 2007, Folds of Honor has provided life-changing scholarships to the spouses and children of America’s fallen or disabled military. And now, their mission expands to the families of America’s first responders. Dependents and/or spouses of fallen or disabled US service members and first responders are eligible to apply for scholarships.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies: Up to $5,000
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Folds of Honor Military Scholarship.
Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship
The Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship Program supports students from the LGBTQ+ community pursuing higher education at colleges, universities, or vocational and professional training programs. Scholarships are awarded exclusively for full-time study at accredited institutions or programs chosen by the student.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $2,500-$5,000
Deadline: March 31, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Gamma Mu Foundation Scholarship.
Additional March Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with March deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
National Society of Professional Engineers Scholarships
The Maureen L. and Howard N. Blitman, P.E., Scholarship to Promote Diversity in Engineering is awarded annually to a high school senior from an ethnic minority who has been accepted into an ABET-accredited engineering program at a four-year college or university. The award is for $5,000.
Award Amount: 1 award: $5,000
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Learn more and apply for the National Society of Professional Engineers Scholarships.
Voyager Scholarship
The Obama-Chesky Scholarship for Public Service supports students who have a passion for helping others, experience serving their communities, and can demonstrate an expansive view of what’s possible through public service.
Award Amount: 1 award; Up to $50,000
Deadline: April 1, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Voyager Scholarship.
Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter Scholarship
Hearing Loss Association of America Central Oklahoma Chapter Scholarship provides financial assistance to residents of Oklahoma who have hearing loss and are interested in attending college in the state.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $2,000
Deadline: April 3, 2025
44th President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Fellowship
The Obama Foundation Scholars program gives rising leaders from the United States and around the world who are already making a difference in their communities the opportunity to take their work to the next level through an immersive curriculum that brings together academic, skills-based, and hands-on learning.
Award Amount: 1 award; Amount varies
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the 44th President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama Fellowship.
Oklahoma Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Scholarship
The Oklahoma Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Scholarship is a one-time scholarship available to rural high school graduates entering any private or public college or technical school in Oklahoma.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $200-$500
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Oklahoma Rural Rehabilitation Corporation Scholarship.
Jazz Education Network Scholarships
Each year, the Jazz Education Network proudly recognizes talented, hardworking, aspiring students with a passion for jazz. They also offer a number of additional programs that help fund and support jazz education.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $1,000-$3,000
Deadline: April 15, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Jazz Education Network Scholarships.
Boomer Esiason Foundation Academic Scholarship
The Boomer Esiason Foundation scholarship program was created in July 2003 to provide financial assistance to students in the cystic fibrosis community who are pursuing higher education opportunities.
Award Amount: 20 awards; $10,000
Deadline: April 18, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Boomer Esiason Foundation Academic Scholarship.
International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation Essay Contest
Our contest aims to acquaint the uninitiated with the crucial importance the plumbing industry plays in our everyday lives.
Award Amount: 4 awards; $1,000-$3,000
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Sara Scholarship
The Sara Scholarship is granted annually to female high school seniors who plan to pursue a college degree and who demonstrate academic achievement, excellence of character, financial need and active engagement with the sport of golf. Skill in playing golf is not a criterion.
Award Amount: 12 awards; $2,000
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Sara Scholarship.
Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship
The Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund (SCSF) was founded on the belief that any motivated individual in need should have the opportunity to further his or her education. By removing some of the financial burdens associated with going to, surviving in, and graduating from college, the SCSF plays a vital role in increasing college access and success for many motivated yet underserved youth and young adults.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $40,000
Deadline: April 30, 2025
Learn more and apply for the Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship.
Additional April Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with April deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
These May deadlines have passed. Please check again in April. For more scholarships, visit
Dutch Crafters Amish Furniture Heritage Scholarship
The DutchCrafters Amish Furniture Heritage Scholarship was founded in 2011 as a way to give back to the community by offering education assistance to outstanding students. This scholarship recognizes undergraduate students who draw upon their cultural heritage to shape their vocational aspirations, add creative value to their future employers, and serve their communities.
Award Amount: 3 awards; $500
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Dutch Crafters Amish Furniture Heritage Scholarship.
---------------------------------------- Scholarship for Women in STEM
A $2,000 award will be given to a woman student pursuing any undergraduate or graduate degree program emphasizing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics). Women are historically underrepresented in STEM professions, and wishes to promote more interest and opportunity for women in these fields of study.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,000
Deadline: May 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Scholarship for Women in STEM.
#ScienceSaves High School Video Scholarship
All our lives have been improved by the discoveries of science. Describe an experience in your life that demonstrates that science does indeed save. The experience can be something that happened to you or someone you know.
Award Amount: 10 awards; $250 to $10,000
Deadline: May 6, 2024
Learn more and apply for the #Science Saves High School Video Scholarship.
Aging Matters Scholarship
A $1,500 scholarship will be given annually to a selected college student that currently cares for an aging loved one, works within the senior community, or intends to pursue a career that will have an impact on the elder population.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,500
Deadline: May 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Aging Matters Scholarship.
Blue Knights International Scholarship
Realizing that the youth of today will be the future leaders of tomorrow, the purpose of this scholarship is to assist with the continued education and further development of those potential leaders.
Award Amount: 5 awards; $1,000
Deadline: May 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Blue Knights International Scholarship.
Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Scholarship Program
AMIA administers the first scholarship program of its kind designed specifically for students wishing to pursue careers in moving image archiving.
Award Amount: 3 awardsl $4,000
Deadline: May 17, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Scholarship Program.
The Bill of Rights Institute, My Impact Challenge
MyImpact Challenge is a civic engagement contest hosted by the Bill of Rights Institute. Our goal is simple: foster a robust understanding of citizenship and get students active in their communities now!
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $1,500 to $10,000
Deadline: May 19, 2024
Learn more and apply for the The Bill of Rights Institute, My Impact Challenge.
Andrea R. Lacy Grit Award Scholarship
All our lives have been improved by the discoveries of science. Describe an experience in your life that demonstrates that science does indeed save. The experience can be something that happened to you or someone you know.
Award Amount: Up to 3 awards; $500
Deadline: May 27, 2024
Learn more and apply for Andrea R. Lacy Grit Award Scholarship.
Spring Meadow - Fund Your Future Scholarships
The Horticultural Research Institute, the American Horticulture foundation, has a long and rich heritage, bookmarked by key decisions that influenced the shape of our organization today. We provide scholarships for students pursuing education in the horticulture industry.
Award Amount: 10 awards; $500 to $4,000
Deadline: May 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Spring Meadow - Fund Your Future Scholarships.
Additional May Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with May deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
These June deadlines have passed. Please check again in May. For more scholarships, visit
Digital Marketing Scholarship
To apply, you must be a high school senior or undergrad student, majoring (or planning to major) in a field related to digital marketing. You also must plan to take at least 10 credit hours during the Fall 2024 semester
Award Amount: 1 award; $4,000
Deadline: June 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Digital Marketing Scholarship.
SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program
Applicants must: Be born on/after 6/1/2004; a first-time college student in 2024; and have experienced homelessness within the last six years; DACA students may apply.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $2,500
Deadline: June 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the SchoolHouse Connection Scholarship Program.
Student Academy Awards Competition
For current college students only. Submit a short film (no longer than 40 minutes) that you have used as part of your course work or a graduation requirement. Categories are: animation, documentary, narrative & alternative/experimental.
Award Amount: 3 awards; $2,000-$5,000
Deadline: June 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Student Academy Awards Competition.
American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) Scholarship
In furthering their mission to increase and retain the number of individuals choosing the transit field as a career, the APTF will award a minimum of thirty scholarships, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 to college students or transit professionals who are interested in pursuing or advancing in a career in the public transportation industry. College sophomores, juniors, seniors, or those seeking advanced degrees may apply.
Award Amount: 30+ awards; $5,000-$12,000
Deadline: June 6, 2024
Learn more and apply for the American Public Transportation Foundation (APTF) Scholarship.
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship
To apply, you will need to submit an essay on the following topic: Describe you educational and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how it will help you achieve your goals.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $1,000
Deadline: June 10, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Abbott and Fenner Scholarship.
ExtremeTerrain Scholarship
This scholarship is offered to undergraduate college/university students and high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Ecology, Land Use, Earth & Atmosphere Sciences, Sustainable Land Management, Environmental Biology or Sustainable Agriculture Systems. Write about the importance of maintaining public lands for recreational use and how you plan to advocate to that end.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,500
Deadline: June 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for ExtremeTerrain Scholarship.
Young Filmmakers Contest
One Earth Film Festival is a Chicago-area film festival that creates opportunities for understanding climate change, sustainability and the power of human involvement through sustainability-themed films and facilitated discussion. Applicants include children from 3rd grade through post-graduate students. All winning films will premiere on September 22, 2024, and some will be selected for the One Earth Film Festival in March, 2025.
Award Amount: 7 awards; $200-$2,000
Deadline: June 25, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Young Filmmakers Contest.
Indian Women's Pocahontas Club Scholarships
Women who are registered Cherokee tribal citizens may apply. Ten scholarships in the amount of $1,000 are awarded each year to students enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education including college, university or vocational school.
Award Amount: 10 awards; $1,000
Deadline: June 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Indian Women's Pocahontas Club Scholarships.
Mays Mission for the Handicapped Scholarship
Mays Mission offers scholarships to deserving students with physical and/or mental disabilities. Upon acceptance to their program, recipients agree to provide proof of full-time enrollment each semester, submit grades, maintain a GPA of 3.0 and write an “update letter” providing the Mission with information pertaining to grades, struggles, triumphs, campus life and a general “how are you doing” letter.
Award Amount: 1 award; Amount of award varies
Deadline: June 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Mays Mission for the Handicapped Scholarship.
Oklahoma Women Veterans Scholarship
The OKWVO is a community of women veterans in Oklahoma who have served our country with pride and honor. Our mission is to provide support, resources, and advocacy for women who have served in the United States Armed Forces.
Award Amount: 5 awards; $250-$500
Deadline: June 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Oklahoma Women Veterans Scholarship.
Additional June Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with June deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
These July deadlines have passed. Please check again in June. For more scholarships, visit
ABC Humane Wildlife Academic Scholarship - Women in STEM
As a woman-owned corporation operating in a largely male field, we understand the remarkable impact women can have. We want to pave the way for other women pursuing their dreams in the scientific world, which is why ABC Wildlife offers a scholarship designed to increase the number of women studying and influencing the future of science, including technology, engineering and math.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the ABC Humane Wildlife Academic Scholarship - Women in STEM.
Keith M. Fletcher Excellence in Ethics Scholarship
For law students and prospective law students, Simmons and Fletcher, P.C. is excited to offer our annual Excellence in Ethics Scholarship. The first-place scholarship will be awarded to one recipient in the amount of $1,000.00. The second-place winner will be awarded a $500.00 scholarship as well.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $500, $1,000
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Keith M. Fletcher Excellence in Ethics Scholarship.
Lupus Inspiration Foundation for Excellence (L.I.F.E.) Scholarship
All college students living with lupus are incredibly inspiring and worthy of recognition. Applying for a L.I.F.E. Scholarship is courageous and demonstrates a willingness to help others by sharing your story. Our winners demonstrate exceptional academic merit and a drive to succeed while overcoming the struggles that come with lupus. They have taken a bad situation and turned it into a way to learn about themselves and how courageous they truly are. They are leaders that care about others and their community and are role models to those still learning about this life-altering disease.
Award Amount: 1 or more awards; $500 or more
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Lupus Inspiration Foundation for Excellence (L.I.F.E.) Scholarship.
Reef2Leaf Wildlife Conservation Scholarship
Wildlife conservation is no easy task, and it requires innovation. New ideas from people just like you! This $1500 scholarship focuses on grass roots, local impacts. Trail clean-ups, local pollution regulations, expansion of local parks etc... Ideas that will enhance local environments and the lives of those who live nearby. Submit an essay with your big idea!
Award Amount: 25 awards; $1,500
Deadline: July 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Reef2Leaf Wildlife Conservation Scholarship.
Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
When Cat Zingano was in her early twenties and attending college, her mother was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. Her declining health was very difficult on Cat’s family, and when she passed in 2005, Cat had a lot to work through, making it difficult to focus on her education. Less than a year later, Cat’s son was born. Raising a newborn and going to school after recently losing her mom, Cat needed help and remains truly grateful for all support and resources that were made available to her. This scholarship was created to help others as they overcome their own loss.
Award Amount: 1 award; $10,000
Deadline: July 20, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship.
Avonte Oquendo Memorial Scholarship for Autism
All of us at The Perecman Firm, P.L.L.C., were touched by the story of 14-year-old Avonte Oquendo, an autistic boy who went missing after he wandered away from school in 2013. The outpouring of support and assistance that accompanied the search for Avonte was unprecedented. Although Avonte tragically did not make it home alive, we wanted to show the same support for the autistic community in memory of this extraordinary young man.
Award Amount: 1 award; $5,000
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Avonte Oquendo Memorial Scholarship for Autism.
Eskew Law Scholarship for Children of Convicted Felons
We cannot understate the significance of continuing education. Unfortunately, there are many children whose life experiences potentially jeopardize the educational opportunities available to them. For this reason, Eskew Law is proud to offer a $1,500 scholarship for college-bound or current college students who are children of convicted felons.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,500
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Eskew Law Scholarship for Children of Convicted Felons.
Geraldine Polly Bednash Scholarship
Two $5,000 scholarships will be distributed to top nursing school applicants four times each year.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $5,000
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Geraldine Polly Bednash Scholarship.
Spirit of Giving Scholarship
Each year, Wine Country Gift Baskets awards annual scholarships to three well-deserving students displaying the spirit of giving. The Wine Country Gift Baskets Spirit of Giving Scholarship is our way of encouraging acts of kindness, service and giving so they remain an important part of our future.
Award Amount: 3 awards; $1,000
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Spirit of Giving Scholarship.
State Troopers Scholarship Programs
The American Association of State Troopers Foundation, Inc. accepts scholarship applications from the dependents of trooper members for assistance with their post-secondary education expenses.
Award Amount: 6 awards; $1,500
Deadline: July 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the State Troopers Scholarship Programs.
Additional July Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with July deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
These August deadlines have passed. Please check again in July. For more scholarships, visit
Aaryn Railyn King Foundation Scholarship
Aaryn Railyn King was a beloved daughter whose life was cut short due to cancer. This scholarship aims to honor the life of Aaryn Railyn King by supporting students who share her passion for education.
Award Amount: 1 award; $895
Deadline: Aug. 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Aaryn Railyn King Foundation Scholarship.
Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship
Write an essay about developing new public policy to end diabetes, heart disease and obesity to win our $1000 scholarship.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Aug. 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship.
Summit Physical Therapy Scholarship
Our physical therapy and pain management practice is dedicated to offering the highest standard of rehabilitative services for the community. We pride ourselves in providing excellent care and collaborative treatment.
Award Amount: 1 award; $500
Deadline: Aug. 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Summit Physical Therapy Scholarship.
---------------------------------------- National Scholarship Contest, a leading prescription eyeglass company is pleased to announce they will be holding a “ National Scholarship Contest”. The essay winner selected will receive a $1500 scholarship.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $1,500
Deadline: Aug. 15, 2024
Learn more and participate in the National Scholarship Contest.
Mrs. Prindables Future Educator Scholarship
We are pleased to extend a 2024 Scholarship opportunity to incoming or current college students majoring in education. We believe that educators have the power to spark positive development in student’s lives and their futures.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Aug. 18, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Mrs. Prindables Future Educator Scholarship.
Better than a Loan Scholarship
Nobody said college was cheap, but a scholarship can certainly make it more affordable. If you want a little help with your college expenses, be sure to take advantage of Lendza’s scholarship opportunity.
Award Amount: 1 award; $500
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Better than a Loan Scholarship.
Castagra Roofing Scholarship Program
This program was developed to support individuals pursuing a career in roofing (or a similar field), who are passionate about innovation and/or sustainability.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $500 & $1,000
Deadline: Aug. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Castagra Roofing Scholarship Program.
Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) Scholarships
CHASA is proud to offer college and vocational school scholarships for students with a diagnosis of hemiplegia or hemiparesis due to any cause, or a diagnosis of pediatric stroke.
Award Amount: Varies
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) Scholarships.
Clubs of America Scholarship
Our annual $1,000 scholarship helps students pursue career dreams and aspirations.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Clubs of America Scholarship.
Make Me Laugh Scholarship
Scholarships can be fun! Take a break from the boring application routine and make us laugh. That's right; we want a real LOL moment.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,500
Deadline: Aug. 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Make Me Laugh Scholarship.
Additional August Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with August deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
Aaryn Railyn King Foundation Scholarship | Better than a Loan Scholarship |
Biannual Working Parent College Scholarship Award | Boomer Benefits Scholarship |
Castagra Roofing Scholarship Program | Children's Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) Scholarships |
Clubs of America Scholarship Award | Confident Writers Scholarship | Criminal Justice Scholarship | Driver Education Initiative Scholarship |
Eradicating Food Deserts Scholarship | Florida Rentals Annual Dream Vacation Scholarship |
GlobalAir Calvin C. Carrithers Aviation Scholarship | Global Perspectives Scholarship by Rustic Pathways |
Haywood Hunt and Associates Scholarship | HPFY Beyond Disability Scholarship |
HPFY Make a Difference Scholarship | IC - Spares Scholarship |
iVein Health & Wellness Scholarship | Make Me Laugh Scholarship | National Scholarship Contest | Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship |
Mrs. Prindables Future Educator Scholarship | National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association (NRC) Scholarship |
NextStepU Free Tuition Scholarship | NSHSS Future Educators Scholarship |
NSHSS Hometown Hero Scholarship | Nurses Make a Difference Scholarship |
Perfect Plants Scholarship | Phil Murphy Technical Theater Scholarship |
Rebecca Hunter Memorial Scholarship for Single Parents | Race Entry Student Scholarships |
Race to Inspire Essay Context | Reese McGee Memorial Scholarship |
RentHop Apartment Scholarship | Rest Right Mattress $500 Scholarship |
Rodeo Ticket Student Scholarship | Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship |
Summit Physical Therapy Scholarship | Think Vacuums Scholarship |
2024 TYLENOL® Future Care Scholarship | Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Distinguished Undergraduate Awards |
Virtual Reality Rental Co. Scholarship | Visa Reservation Scholarship |
Visas for Future Annual Scholarship | Wellness Visionary: Radiant Shenti Scholarship |
William R. Godfrey Scholarship |
These September deadlines have passed. Please check again in August. For more scholarships, visit
Beldon Scholarship
The Beldon Scholarship recognizes and rewards college scholarships to students who submit outstanding essays on business leadership. Applicants must be majoring in business, communications, management, marketing, or a related field.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Sept. 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Beldon Scholarship.
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship
Equipment Leases is proud to offer hard-working students a scholarship two times per year. For the Spring Semester and Fall Semesters they will be awarding deserving students a scholarship to further their education in whatever major they may be pursuing.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $2,000-$5,000
Deadline: Sept. 13, 2024
Learn more and apply for the National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship.
Equipment Leases Inc. College Scholarship
Equipment Leases is proud to offer hard-working students a scholarship two times per year. For the Spring Semester and Fall Semesters they will be awarding deserving students a scholarship to further their education in whatever major they may be pursuing.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Equipment Leases Inc. College Scholarship.
GoSkills "Be the Boss" Scholarship
Each 'Be the Boss' scholarship is awarded to a female high school or college student who wants to start her own business. Applications are open during the spring and fall each year.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,000
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the GoSkills "Be the Boss" Scholarship.
Cochlear Implant Scholarships
Cochlear offers several prestigious scholarships in honor of the amazing innovators who developed their hearing solutions. A scholarship applicant must be a Cochlear Nucleus, Baha or Osia recipient.
Award Amount: 7 awards; $2,000
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Cochlear Implant Scholarships.
Don't Text and Drive Scholarship
According to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, texting while driving makes drivers 23 times more likely to get into a "safety-critical event." The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the risks of texting while driving.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Don't Text and Drive Scholarship.
The Justice Solutions Group Future Mentors Scholarship
Big Brothers Big Sisters and Justice Solutions Group are proud to offer this award as a demonstration of their commitment to the continued development of future community leaders. This scholarship provides them a meaningful opportunity to give back and help support an aspiring student each year.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,500
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Justice Solutions Group Future Mentors Scholarship.
Key Thinkers Scholarship
The Key Thinkers Scholarship awards $1,000 one time to two students - one in the spring and one in the fall. This is an opportunity for students to be a voice in the growing conversation about financial responsibility.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Key Thinkers Scholarship.
Shout it Out Scholarship
The Shout It Out Scholarship committee wants to know what you have to say. Whether it's a message for the world or just a quick "hi mom," this is your opportunity to speak up and win money for college. Students age 14 or older may apply.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,500
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Shout it Out Scholarship.
TrophyCentral Sportsmanship Scholarship Award
TrophyCentral is thrilled to be able to offer a qualifying high school senior a $1,000 scholarship award to be applied to their first year's tuition to a college or university. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated a unique or special form of sportsmanship, kindness or compassion.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the TrophyCentral Sportsmanship Scholarship Award.
Additional September Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with September deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
A+ Construction and Remodeling Scholarship | Access Scholarships AACN/Nursing Scholarship |
AfterCollege Engineering Student Scholarship | AfterCollege STEM Inclusion Scholarship |
American Board of Funeral Service Education Scholarship | Andrew S. Mathers Scholarship |
Artum Hill Furniture Interior Design & Architecture Scholarship | Beauty+Wellness Scholarships for Women |
Because College is Expensive Scholarship | Beldon Scholarship |
BluEarth Renewables Scholarship Program | Caroline M. Hewins Children's Librarian Scholarship |
Catching the Dream Program | Chickasaw Nation Scholarships & Grants |
CNA Scholarship Opportunities | Cochlear Implant Scholarships |
DDSRank Dental Scholarship | Don't Text and Drive Scholarship |
Equal Opportunity Scholarship | Equipment Leases Inc. College Scholarship |
The Gates Scholarship | Glotzer & Lieb's Scholarship Fund |
GoSkills "Be the Boss" Scholarship | Illustrators of the Future Contest |
Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award Scholarship | The Justice Solutions Group Future Mentors Scholarship |
Kasturi Law Scholarship | LimNexus Scholarship |
Love Your Career Scholarship | Lucie Photography Scholarship Program |
Marshall Scholarship | May Firm Injury Lawyers Scholarship |
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship | Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs Foundation Scholarship |
Otha Grimes - Francis Tuttle Memorial Scholarship | Questbridge National College Match Scholarship |
Shout It Out Scholarship | Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship |
TrophyCentral Sportsmanship Scholarship Award |
These October deadlines have passed. Please check again in August. For more scholarships, visit
Girls Impact the World Scholarship
The ConnectHER Film Festival is an international youth competition that welcomes short films about issues that impact women and girls. Before making a film for submission, please read all of the following entry requirements and FAQs. We are excited to see your submissions! Good luck!
Award Amount: 12 awards; $5,000
Deadline: October 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Girls Impact the World Scholarship.
Students with Heart Foundation Scholarship
The mission of Students with Heart Foundation is to provide financial assistance by means of scholarships for both undergraduate and graduate students who suffer from all different types of heart disease and deformities, thus relieving some of the stress from the rough and rigorous journey they will face throughout college.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; $500-$6,000
Deadline: October 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Students with Heart Foundation Scholarship.
John Lewis Good Trouble Scholarship
The John Lewis Good Trouble Scholarship is open to all NSHSS (National Society of High School Scholars) high school and college members who embody the Civil Rights Icon and Georgia U.S. Representative John Lewis’s ideals of “good trouble.”
Award Amount: 3 awards; $1,000
Deadline: October 2, 2024
Learn more and apply for the John Lewis Good Trouble Scholarship.
Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship
The Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship is only open to students attending school in the United States. Applicant must be a student at an accredited school, or be accepted to begin school at an accredited school within 6 months of application.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1000
Deadline: October 2, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship.
Evans Scholarship for Caddies
The Evans Scholarship is a full tuition and housing college scholarship for high-achieving caddies with limited financial means. To qualify, caddies must meet the requirements of having a strong caddie record, excellent academics, demonstrated financial need and outstanding character.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Amount of awards varies
Deadline: October 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Evans Scholarship for Caddies.
Broadcast Education Association Scholarships
The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) is the premier international academic media organization, promoting insights, excellence in media production, and career advancement for educators, students, and professionals. BEA administers scholarships annually, to honor broadcasters and the entire electronic media profession.
Award Amount: 11 awards; Amount varies
Deadline: October 16, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Broadcast Education Association Scholarships.
Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation Scholarship
The SVC Foundation Scholarship Fund provides scholarships to students studying a field related to vacuum coating technology. We anticipate that three or more scholarship awards will be made annually, generally in amounts up to $5,000. However, the SVC Foundation and its Scholarship Committee may vary the number, amounts and types of awards based on factors such as available funds as well as the number and quality of applications.
Award Amount: No. of awards varies; Amount of awards varies
Deadline: October 18, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation Scholarship.
Keep Going Forward No Essay Scholarship
The Keep Going Forward Scholarship exists to support anyone moving on to somewhere or something new in life, whether that’s a new town, new school, new passion, or new phase of life. Open to all students and non-students in any stage of life or field of study, the only requirement is that you are moving forward toward something new.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,515
Deadline: October 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Keep Going Forward No Essay Scholarship.
Accountability and Morality Scholarship
Everyone, even corporations, are accountable for their actions. Every action has an effect on the people and places involved. Whether it is something as small as an individual making a ‘just’ decision or as large as environmental impact, every action has its positive and negative effects.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Accountability and Morality Scholarship.
American Bullion Scholarship Program
American Bullion, a leader in gold IRA investments, believes in the value of education and encourages students to improve their knowledge of tangible assets. In early 2014, American Bullion launched its first annual Scholarship Program to help students achieve their educational goals.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: October 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the American Bullion Scholarship Program.
Additional October Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with October deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
Accountability and Morality Scholarship | AdvertiseMint Program |
AES Scholarship | American Bullion Scholarship Program |
American Culinary Federation Education Scholarships | AmericanMuscle Student Scholarship Program |
Aspiring Attorney Scholarship | Association for Iron and Steel Technology Steel Scholarships |
Bill Kane Undergraduate Scholarship | Blexb Rank Shows Value Scholarship |
Broadcast Education Association (BEA) Scholarships | Chris Jackson Computer Science Scholarship |
CJ Pony Parts Video Contest Scholarship | College JumpStart Scholarship |
Conex Boxes Scholarship | Cooley Scholarship |
Darian Daily Legacy Scholarship | DistanceEducation360 Scholarship |
Encouraging Diversity Scholarship | Evans Scholarship for Caddies |
ExtremeTerrain Scholarship | Financial Champions Scholarship |
Geraldine "Polly" Bednash Scholarship | Get Educated Online College Scholarship Program |
Gilman-McCain International Scholarship | Girls Impact the World Scholarship Award |
HireAHelper Scholarship | International Studies Abroad Scholarship |
IvyPanda Video Scholarship | John Lewis Good Trouble Scholarship |
KeepGoingForward No Essay Scholarships | Lounge Lizard Web Design Scholarship |
National Strength and Conditioning Association Program Scholarships | Olin E. Teague Memorial Scholarship |
Patriot's Pen VFW | Pretty Photoshop Actions Scholarship Program |
Prevounce Preventive Health Scholarship Program | Price It Here Scholarship Program |
Ruth Abernathy Presidential Scholarship | Second Career Mortuary Science Scholarship |
Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Scholarships | Sound Money Scholarship |
Speak Write Play (SWP) Heritage Scholarships | Sports Field Management Assocation (SAFE) Scholarship Program |
Sports Gear Swag $1000 Scholarship | Stampede Auto Used Cards Dealers Scholarship |
Stokes Educational Scholarship Program | Students with Heart Foundation Scholarship |
US Bank Student Scholarships | Voice of Democracy Scholarship |
Women in Aviation Scholarships | Youth Wildlife Art Contest |
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship |
These November deadlines have passed. Please check again in October. For more scholarships, visit
Young Writers Awards
Bennington College has a unique literary legacy, including twelve Pulitzer Prize winners, three U.S. poet laureates, four MacArthur Geniuses, countless New York Times bestsellers, and two of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people. Our goal with this competition is to recognize outstanding writing achievement by high school students.
Award Amount: $250, $500, $1,000
Deadline: November 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Young Writers Awards.
Utopia Management Scholarship
In an effort to nurture healthy communities and a prosperous society, Utopia Management endeavors to support higher education through this bi-annual $1000 scholarship.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: November 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Utopia Management Scholarship.
Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship
We created the Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship to help lower the financial strain on college and university students so they have more money available to care for the four-legged friends that emotionally support them in their school endeavors.
Award Amount: 1 award; Amount: $1,000
Deadline: November 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship.
Prudential Emerging Visionaries Scholarships
Prudential Emerging Visionaries recognizes young people, ages 14 – 18, for their inspiring commitment to change.
Award Amount: 25 awards; $5,000-$15,000
Deadline: November 2, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Prudential Emerging Visionaries Scholarships.
Regeneron Science Talent Search
Regeneron STS is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science research competition for high school students. Started in 1942 as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers our nation’s most promising young scientists who are developing ideas that could solve society’s most urgent challenges.
Award Amount: 300 awards; Amount: $2,000-$250,000
Deadline: November 7, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Regeneron Science Talent Search.
Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarships
The Cooke College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend and graduate from the nation's best four-year colleges and universities.
Award Amount: 50+ awards; Up to $55,000
Deadline: November 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarships.
Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award Scholarship
Each year, From the Top chooses approximately 20 pre-collegiate musicians ages 8-18 to receive the Award. The Award is given to driven and committed pre-collegiate musicians with financial need to help offset the often prohibitively expensive costs of studying classical music at a high level.
Award Amount: 20 awards; Up to $10,000
Deadline: November 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award Scholarship.
Beacon Scholarship for Rural America
Since 1980, Carrot-Top Industries, Inc. (Sponsor) has been a leading flag and patriotic products retailer priding ourselves on a dedication to patriotism and community growth across America. Since the Fall of 2018, we have been helping low-income students living in rural areas with their college endeavors.
Award Amount: 1 award; Amount: $1,000
Deadline: November 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Beacon Scholarship for Rural America.
Common App Scholarship
Our scholarship database is used by high schools and post-secondary schools across the nation. Scholarship Guidance believes in supporting the open source community by ensuring our scholarship resources are always provided free of charge. Students, Counselors and Parents enjoy lifetime free access to all of our resources, regardless of year of study or school affiliation.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $2,000
Deadline: November 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Common App Scholarship.
Safe Cycling Scholarship
The personal injury attorneys at Felix Gonzalez Law Firm have dedicated their practice to protecting those who have been injured due to the negligence of others. We care about everyone’s safety, especially cyclists on the road. This year, we are offering a scholarship to promote safe cycling.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: November 30, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Safe Cycling Scholarship.
Additional November Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with November deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
10 Words or Less Scholarship | Auger and Auger Disabled Scholar Award |
Bachus & Shanker, LLC Scholarship | Beacon Scholarship for Rural America |
Boho Hippie Shop Scholarship Program | Boster Bio Scholarship |
Common App Scholarship | Concerto High School Musicians Scholarship |
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program | Creative Excellence in Graphic Design Scholarship |
Cross & Smith Offering Annual College Scholarship | Digital Monk Scholarship |
Dr. Juan Andrade Jr. Scholarship | Driver Education Initiative Scholarship |
Education Matters Scholarship | Elevate Women in Technology Scholarships |
Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition | Foundation for Technology and Engineering Educators Undergraduate Scholarship |
GreenPal's Small Business Scholarship | Helmer, Conley & Kasselman Annual College Scholarship |
IES Abroad Scholarship | Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Scholarships |
Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award Scholarship | James Alan Cox Photography Scholarship |
Maryknoll Essay Contest | National Association for Campus Activities for Undergraduate Scholarships |
National Honor Society Scholarship | Prudential Emerging Visionaries Scholarship |
Regeneron Science Talent Search Scholarship | Safe Cycling Scholarship |
ServiceScape Scholarship | Soroptimist Live Your Dreams Awards |
Sports Clips 'Help a Hero' Scholarship | Stephen J. Brady Stop Hunger Scholarships |
Test Prep Insight Scholarship | Tortuga Backpack Study Abroad Scholarship |
Utopia Management Scholarship | Waggle Human-Pet Bond Scholarship |
Young Writers Awards |
These December deadlines have passed. Please check again in November. For more scholarships, visit
Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers
Undergraduate students enrolled, or planning to enroll, in physics teacher preparation curricula and high school seniors entering such programs are eligible. Successful applicants receive a stipend of up to $3,000 and a complimentary AAPT Student Membership for one year. The scholarship may be granted to an individual for each of four years.
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; Up to $3,000
Deadline: December 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers.
GigaPros Web Hosting Technology Scholarship
If you're interested in a career that involves web hosting, domain names and web hosting server technology, this scholarship is for you! article on an individual basis. The author of the most exceptional article will be granted a $2000 USD scholarship fund. This fund can be utilized for tuition fees or educational materials.
Award Amount: 1 award; $2,000
Deadline: December 1, 2024
Learn more and apply for the GigaPros Web Hosting Technology Scholarship.
Burress Law Underdog Scholarships
The team at Burress Injury Law is passionate about helping the “underdogs.” With their Underdog Scholarships, they aim to support prospective applicants who have persevered in the face of adversity and who want to use their life experiences to help others.
Award Amount: 6 awards; $2,500-$5,000
Deadline: December 2, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Burress Law Underdog Scholarships.
Zoetist Foundation/AAVMC Veterinary Student Scholarship
These scholarships will be awarded to students with career interests in all areas, including food animal medicine, small animal clinical medicine, research, government services, public health, organized veterinary medicine, etc. At the time of application, applicant must be a 2nd- or 3rd year veterinary student at a U.S. school of veterinary medicine.
Award Amount: 200+ awards; $7,000
Deadline: December 9, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Zoetist Foundation/AAVMC Veterinary Student Scholarship.
Rubincam Youth Writing Competition
The Rubincam Youth Writing Competition was established in 1986 to honor Milton Rubincam, CG, FASG, FNGS, for his many years of service to the National Genealogical Society and to the field of genealogy. These awards encourage and recognize our youth as the next generation of family historians.
Award Amount: 2 awards; $250-$5,000
Deadline: December 15, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Rubincam Youth Writing Competition.
Burger King Scholars Program
Through the BK℠ Scholars program, Burger King has awarded nearly $60 million to over 51,000 deserving students across North America. Their goal is to grant one scholarship for every BK® restaurant — that’s more than $7 million each year!
Award Amount: Amount of awards varies; $1,000-$60,000
Deadline: December 16, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Burger King Scholars Program.
Equitable Excellence Scholarship Program
Equitable Foundation has established the Equitable Excellence Scholarship® Program program to assist high school seniors and current undergraduates fund their education at a two- or four-year college in the United States by Fall 2025. Applicants need to demonstrate ambition and self-drive to be a force for good in your community by encouraging others to pursue higher education.
Award Amount: Up to 200 awards; $2,500-$5,000
Deadline: December 18, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Equitable Excellence Scholarship Program.
Paint Vibe Scholarship
Paint Vibe is passionate about creativity and the powerful impact it can have on our lives and communities. To support and inspire the next generation of creative minds, they are proud to offer the Paint Vibe Scholarship. Whether you’re an aspiring artist, designer, or creative thinker, you're invited to learn more about how you can apply for this exciting opportunity.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: December 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Paint Vibe Scholarship.
Stromberg's Chicken Scholarship
There's no GPA requirement to win this scholarship, and there are no application forms. Your essay should discuss benefits and challenges of backyard chicken farming, the role of chickens in sustatinable living, or integrating chickens into a home garden ecosystem.
Award Amount: 1 award; $1,000
Deadline: December 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Stromberg's Chicken Scholarship.
Unigo $10K Scholarship
It's important to be happy with who you are, regardless of your wealth or intelligence level. So tell us, would you rather be smart, funny or rich...and why? Must be a legal U.S. resident, residing in the 50 United States or the District of Columbia. Students 14 years of age or older may apply.
Award Amount: 1 award; $10,000
Deadline: December 31, 2024
Learn more and apply for the Unigo $10K Scholarship.
Additional December Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with December deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
24x7 Doctors Answering Service Scholarship | Ai Engstrom National Scholarship |
Allied Van Lines Scholarship | American Graphics Institute Design Thinking Scholarship |
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Engineering Scholarships | AvaCare Medical Scholarship |
Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Physics Teachers | The Branch Out Scholarship |
Bronx Injury Lawyers Scholarship | Brooklyn Injury Attorneys Scholarship |
Burger King Scholars Program | Burress Law Underdog Scholarships |
Canines for Disabled Kids Scholarship | Carson Scholars Program |
CouponsPlusDeals Scholarship | Coursey Enterprises Nursing Scholarship |
Creative Masonry & Chimney LLC Scholarship | Transparency Scholarship |
David W Martin Law Group Scholarship | Dell Scholars Program |
Derrick Law Firm Scholarship | Equitable Excellence Scholarship Program | Scholarship Program | Gen and Kelly Tanabe Scholarship |
GeneTEX STEM Scholarship | GigaPros Web Hosting Technology Scholarship |
Godoy Law Office First Generation Scholarship | Gorilla Movers Scholarship |
Hagan Scholarship | Hanning & Sacchetto Scholarship |
HW Part Store Scholarship | iDigic Scholarship |
Imagine America High School Scholarships | iVein Health & Wellness Scholarship | Scholarship | Kingsley & Kingsley Scholarship |
iVein Health & Wellness Scholarship | Josh Gibson MD Grant | Scholarship | Kingsley & Kingsley Scholarship | Lawntrepreneur Scholarship | LemonLawNow Scholarship |
Luigi Wewege Foundation Scholarship | MoolahSPOT Scholarship |
National Church Goods Association Education Foundation Scholarship | Nitro College Scholarship |
North American Van Lines Logistics Scholarship | North Spore Mycology Scholarship |
NYC Injury Attorneys PC Essay Competition Scholarship | Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence Academic All State |
Oklahoma Youth Expo Scholarships (OYE) | Overseas Press Club Foundation Scholarships |
Paint Vibe Scholarship | PixelPlex Bi-Annual STEM Scholarship |
Point Foundation Scholarship Fund | Power of Resilience Scholarship |
Prime Medical Alert Scholarship | Robbins Athletics Hustle and Heart Scholarship |
Ron Brown Scholar Program for African Americans | Rubincam Youth Writing Competition |
Ruhmann Law Firm Scholarship | Science Ambassador Scholarship |
Select Saunas $500 Scholarship Program | Shook & Stone Scholarship |
Stromberg's Chicken Scholarship | Ted & Holly Rollins Scholarship |
Too Cool to Pay for School Scholarship | Top Ten List Scholarship |
Transgender First Scholarship | Travers Tool for Schools Metalworking Scholarship |
Uni Study Scholarship | Unigo $10K Scholarship |
Union Internationale de la Marionnette - USA Scholarship | United States Bowling Congress Scholarships |
Virtual Reality Rental Co. Scholarship | WebstaurantStore Foodservice & Hospitality Scholarship |
WebstaurantStore Diversity Scholarship | Wikilawn Grass for Class Scholarship |
WonderMom Scholarship | Writers of the Future Contest |
The Youthist Scholarship | Zoetist Foundation/AACMC Veterinary Student Scholarship |
Ongoing/Multiple Deadlines
GoTranscript Academic Scholarship
Do you have a story of how language has helped you express your voice? GoTranscript wants to know about it! The company understands the importance of language and the connection it brings to others and is offering a $1,000 scholarship to high school seniors and full-time college freshmen who can share a unique story about expressing their voice with language. Applications are accepted year-round and should be submitted to
Award Amount: $1,000
Deadline: Ongoing
Learn more and apply for the GoTranscript Academic Scholarship.
Back to Top
ICA Home Inspection Training Scholarships
ICA’s home inspection training scholarships have no strings attached. Scholarship recipients are provided with home inspection training that meets the needs of their state’s requirements for licensing, with guidance from our student support team to find class options to fit their schedule.
Award Amount: 1 award; Up to $2,500
Deadline Date: End of each month
Learn more and apply for the ICA Home Inspection Training Scholarships.
OppU Achievers Scholarship
The OppU Achievers Scholarship celebrates achievement in its many forms and honors those who create opportunities for themselves and others. The scholarship is open to all full-time high school students and part-time college students. Students can apply by submitting an online application along with an essay explaining how they are achievers who create opportunities for themselves and others.
Award Amount: $2,500
Deadline: Quarterly
Learn more and apply for the OppU Achievers Scholarship.
Additional Ongoing Scholarships
Looking for more? Here's a list of additional scholarships with ongoing or multiple deadlines. Learn about eligibility requirements and how to apply through the links provided below.
After College Scholarships | American Indian Graduate Center Scholarships |
American Legion Scholarships | American Psychological Association Scholarships |
American Welding Society Scholarships | Appraisal Institute Education Scholarships |
Awesome Nursing Scholarships | Beauty Changes Lives Scholarship Program | Scholarships | Best Writing Scholarships |
Big Future Scholarship Search | Boomer Esiason Foundation Scholarships |
Bright! Tax Global Scholar Initiative | Cappex Easy College Money $1,000 Scholarship |
Chegg Scholarships | Christian Connector Scholarships |
College Ave Monthly $1,000 Scholarship | Database |
Criminal Justice Scholarships | Discover Student Monthly Scholarships | Easy College Scholarships | EDvestinU® Quarterly Scholarship Giveaway | Scholarships for Women | Fallen Patriots Scholarships | Scholarship Search | Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund |
Girl Scout Scholarships | GoTranscript Academic Scholarship |
Golden Key Scholarship Directory | HealthCare Management Scholarships |
HIV-Positive Scholarships | International Education Financial Aid Study Abroad Scholarships |
LA Tutors Monthly $500 Scholarship | LGBTQ+ Student Scholarship Database |
Lifetime Adoption Foundation Scholarships | Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation |
Military Scholarships for Spouses | National High School Oratorical Scholarship Program |
Niche $1,000 Survey Scholarships | Niche $2,000 No Essay Scholarships |
Nitro $2,000 College Scholarships | Scholarships |
Nursing Explorer Scholarships | Scholarship Database |
Oklahoma City Community Foundation (OCCF) Scholarships | Open Education Database Scholarships |
OppU Achievers $2,500 Scholarships | SallieMae Scholarship Contest |
Scholarships for Women | Scholarship Owl ‘You Deserve It’ Scholarships |
ScholarshipPoints Scholarships | Database | Database | Scholastic Art and Writing Awards |
Society of Women Engineers Scholarships | $1,000 Scholarships |
Thurgood Marshall College Scholarship Fund | Scholarship Database | Fun Monthly Scholarships | Scholarship Search |
United Negro College Fund Scholarships | Varsity Tutors $1,000 Monthly Scholarship Contest |
Writers and Illustrators of the Future Awards |